The Month of Av
30 Days-July/August
TET – resembles a womb- a month when earth contracts- the secret of pregnancy moves into the earth realm
Simeon- to hear; be concerned
The month you metamorphose or disintegrate.
The month the Lions roars.( Amos 3:8)
the month where God destroys so He can reconstruct.
Consider what you hear and determine how to develop a new level of discernment or oppose counsel and advice.
Listen carefully! You will hear key impressions this month.
Leo (the Lion)- the divine will of the Father being executed.
This month is the “ low point” of the Jewish calendar . The 9th of AV was the day the people of Israel chose to receive the negative report of the 10 spies and refuse to enter the Promised Land. This date was also marked by the destruction of both the first and second Temples in Jerusalem.
God designed AV to be the month to celebrate entering into the promise. But instead of believing God, the people agreed with unbelief and gave a negative confession, They said; “The enemy is to strong for us. We will all die!: They tasted the FRUIT of the land refused to enter. They held back in unbelief and by doing that, they put themselves under a curse.
God still wants AV to be a month of blessings and celebration of His goodness. AV is the month that presents us with a choice.
We can choose to receive a curse!
We can choose to break a curse!
We can choose to believe God's blessing!
We can choose to enter God's promise!
So we receive His promise and mix it with faith this month.